Cruising Life Begins 2021

Strange but True! West Palm, FL to Charleston, SC

Strange but True! West Palm, FL to Charleston, SC
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May 8-May 10, 2021

This passage consisted of many oddities.

  1. We should have known when we left anchorage at 9:30 and passed a floating Tiki bar so early in the morning that we would have some surprising events!
Floating Tiki Bar
Floating Tiki Bar

2. Sailing in the Gulf Stream caused us to sail significantly faster than the breeze.

Kitra at helm
Kitra at helm
Instruments showing wind 7.8 but speed 11.3
Gulf Stream zooming

3. We observed extraordinary pods of dolphins.  One dolphin jumped and spun consecutively, at least 10 times, 5 feet in the air as we watched mesmerized. Other dolphins frolicked around our boat for more than 30 mins.

swimming dolphinsswimming dolphins

multiple dolphins

4. Ben saw crazy sights in the night from 1:00-4:00—aliens or rocket ships or both????

light flash across sky reflected in the water
Big flash in the sky
a rocket
Rocket launch?







5. We had a rather serene Atlantic passage, motor sailing 40 of 48 hrs with the wind on the nose rather than cycling to the SE as predicted (until very late on Sun). We had lots of time to enjoy the sunsets <3.

beautiful sunset

6. Since we were swiftly moving in the Gulf Stream, our wake displayed nicely on the radar. We also experienced bizarre waves and wind as we exited the Gulf Stream.

radar of wake
Its our wake!

7. We experienced wild currents and waves entering Charleston, and then beautiful sights as we passed the jetties. Planning ahead to accommodate for tides, currents and wind is extremely important in this part of the world. In addition, we needed to be sure the chart plotter time was correct–oops!

Charleston shoreline
Yay! Charleston!
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter

8. Our arrival at Charleston Maritime Center was a surprise as it was more of a working marina with only a few transient slips. The Charleston Harbor Cruise boat was docked behind Daggers Down and the water taxi also used this marina. The employees were super nice and helpful, and the marina offered free laundry. In addition, this marina was remarkably close to town.

small city marina
Small city marina
Daggers Down at dock
Dock at Maritime Ctr

It was nice to have a relatively sedate passage with lots of fun Strange but True sites along the way.



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    1. Thanks for the feedback. It is definitely an adventure. I’m adding a few more post! Hope you enjoy your summer!

  1. Hello:
    Saw you guys on Chris’ webcast the last couple of mornings. When did you decide to leave? We are on the other side of Charleston and headed north to the Chesapeake as well, probably leaving Monday AM. Our boat name is Gemeaux. I guess you did the Palm Beach to here about the same time as us, we got in very early on the 10th.

    1. Hi sorry just saw your comment. We made it to Chesapeake but are stalled out at York River Yacht Haven at Gloucester Point getting a generator and ac fixed. Hope you are enjoying your time in Chesapeake!

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