
Grenada’s Beauty is Never Ending: Pictorial

Grenada’s Beauty is Never Ending: Pictorial
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It never gets tiring traveling around Grenada and taking in the beauty. We love sharing it with friends such as you!

As we traveled to Concord Falls the road became lush with vegetation.

jungle vegetation beside the highway
Roadside Beauty

To reach the falls we negotiated a narrow lane, where Ben had to back up twice to let another car pass.

narrow road with lush vegetation
Narrow lane to the Concord Falls

The beautiful flowers were everywhere. Poor Ben, I kept making him stop so that I could take pictures.

yellow flowers
Lots of yellow flowers

white flowers
Lovely white flowers
purple flowers
A few purple flowers

A pop of red flowers enhanced the hillside.

The falls themselves were surrounded by dense mesmerizing tropical vegetation.

lush tropical vegetation
Lovely lush vegetation
Papaya tree
Papaya tree

Surveying the waterfall and listening to the crashing water was entrancing, but the cool water quickly brought us back to reality. The water was so refreshing on the hot humid day.

waterfall crashing to pond below
Concord Falls

Kitra and Ben by the waterfall
Ready to climb in and cool off!

Awe so refreshing

Kitra and Ben swimming
Come on in the water is fine!

As we left the falls the river below rushed past boulders and rocks on its way to the sea.

rive funning down the mountainside
Rushing River

We all decided we were hungry after our invigorating swim. So we stopped at a local roadside grill where the proprietors were super fun and joined us in the shade on the side of the road as we ate our delicious lunch.

lunch at a roadside grill
Fun with the locals!

We traveled the road back to the marina traversing the mountains which overlooked the fishing villages below at the edge of the Caribbean sea.

Caribbean Sea coastline
Caribbean Sea
2 story plantation house with
Plantation House

As the newlyweds, Torie and Allan, were heading back to the states, we spent their last night eating delicious seafood at BB’s Crabback while watching the sunset.


Grenada does not disappoint on so many levels! We are constantly surrounded by beauty!


I hope you enjoyed this pictorial journey of Grenada. If you would like to receive notification of future posts use the form below to sign up for email notifications (if you haven’t done so before). Also feel free to leave comments or questions in the comment box. We love interacting with everyone.

Thanks again for traveling along with us!

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