We are starting to get back into the swing of things as we travel between our house in Fort Worth and the boat in Kemah. We discovered as we tried to fix the generator that not only did we have water in the fuel but lots of other things like algae. Yikes!! So this week Ben added fuel to the tanks and we had professionals polish the fuel and clean them.

With the help of a good friend, who joined us on the boat this weekend, we finally got the generator working but it was disappointing when it would not run the AC. At this point we are not sure if the generator is not big enough to push the AC or it can’t handle the start-up. An electrical consultant thought the size of the generator should be big enough for the AC. So we will continue to troubleshoot this issue.
Other repairs completed in the last two weeks, were to fix the:
- broken floorboard
- auto helm
- engines after the fuel polishing and changing all filters and water separators
- leak in port forward hull; still need to eradicate the mold
- leaky hatches
- port water pump
- refrigerator handle
- toilet handle
- leak under sink
We also got a WiFi booster, WiFi Ranger, which seems to help immensely unless a storm knocks out everyone’s WiFi, like the crazy storm last Friday. In addition, Ben ordered electronics for the port steering station and flexifold three bladed props.

We also ordered some Magnum pots and pans and a new Force 10 two burner stove and oven.

Ben and Ron spent a great deal of time making connections with people who can assist us with electrical power, stainless racks for nav pods, etc.
Finally we are scheduled to go to Aransas Pass soon to have the boat hauled out as we need to get the through holes repaired, bottom painted and the name changed from Kilamandjaro to Daggers Down. Ben will also overhaul the saildrives during this time.
So you can see its been a busy two weeks, but we are slowly making headway down our list.