Lindsee, Jeramiah and son, Benjamin came to visit for Benjamin’s senior trip. They were excited to leave rainy cold Oregon for the sunny, hot islands! But there was a certain amount of anxiety as this was the first time for Lindsee and Benjamin to use their passports. However, once they were aboard Daggers Down at Port Louis Marina in Grenada, they quickly settled into boat life.

We knew they would be tired after traveling for more than 24 hours, so we had a quick dinner of Nirvana’s scrumptious homemade lasagna before everyone headed off to bed.

To prepare our newbie guests for the snorkeling experiences we had planned, we took them to Grand Anse Beach in front of Umbrella’s where they could don their snorkel gear and swim in the calm waters. They enjoyed swimming in the surf and eating local beach food. The day was a big success!

This was the beginning of a wonderful trip!
The following day, we went to Magazine Beach where they could snorkel on the reef. The surf was up but that didn’t deter Jeramiah and Benjamin from swimming all over the reef. Lindsee took a dip but decided the white sandy beach was calling her name.

Finally, the weather cooperated so we could cast off the lines and head out. The day was perfect for sailing. Daggers Down and her Captain Ben were so happy to be at sea again.

We said goodbye to Grenada and headed for Union Island which is part of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We arrived late in the day, but Captain Neal happened along and ferried Ben and Benjamin to shore so they could check us into Custom and Immigration. Yay, we made it before they closed. Thus, we had time to raise anchor and navigate to Saline Bay, Mayreau before the sun set. Our guests had a swim to the beautiful crescent beach and watched the sunset.

Everywhere we went seemed to be Lindsee’s new favorite place!
Tobago Cays
After a morning double rainbow we moved over to Tobago Cays and dropped anchor.

This reef ringed bay was gorgeous with turquoise blue waters, lots of sea breeze and tons of underwater fauna and foliage. The setting was so inviting our guests couldn’t stay out of the water. They swam morning, noon and evening! They were mesmerized by the turtles and stingrays that were everywhere.

Two of the days we took them out to the reef during slack tide. It was a little beat up from hurricane Beryl but there were still loads of fish and coral to examine. We even saw a momma stingray and her baby. It was quite exhilarating.
Reef Coral

Sea Creatures

To add to the experience, we booked a sunset beach lobster dinner with Captain Neal. No one went away hungry from this feast! Captain Neal picked us up and returned us to the boat. We could barely waddle off the beach.

The next morning Captain Neal responded to our request for some fresh fish by bringing us a mess of snapper! He fileted them for us and we enjoyed a fish taco dinner that night. It didn’t get any fresher than that!

Bequia was our final stop. Port Elizabeth Bay was very picturesque where rainbows and amazing sunsets were the norm.
We explored the island, enjoyed the beautiful Princes Margaret Beach and stopped by Sugar and Spice to indulge in cake for lunch!

No one went hungry on the boat. Benjamin even helped me make homemade pizza one night.

Jeremiah got in the action by cooking everyone pancakes another morning.

Today was their last day. They boarded the ferry and made their way to St. Vincent to catch their plane. They could be proud that they were no longer newbies. They had embraced boat life and island life like troupers, swimming, snorkeling, sailing and visiting multiple islands. The guys even learned to crew and jump the main.
Lindsee said it was a trip of a lifetime on Daggers Down! Ben said it was the best senior trip Ever!
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Grand to hear you are doing well and spreading the joy of sailing. Penny from Arctic Vixen
Super nice to hear from you! Happy Holidays!!