April 22-24
After replenishing our fuel, we sailed around the tip of Key West to Stock Island Village Marina which would be our home for the next couple of days.

Ben and Ron worked on the boat as we had some dinghy attachment issues on the crossing. Also Ron’s toilet was totally blocked. It turned out our hoses were completely full of limescale. So it was quite the chore to clean the blockage. Ron spent hours working on it, but we were finally met with success. We decided to add some muriatic acid to all the toilets to assure they would not end up the same way. Prevention is definitely the way to go!
Fixing the dinghy davit issue took two trips to West Marine and again several hours of work to finally fine a solution that was functional. Meanwhile, JD, Surenda, Clint and I did the laundry and tried to clean up the boat some from the trip.

The first night we had a scrumptious dinner of fried shrimp from the local Oyster Bar. The second day, the crew got all cleaned up and went into Key West for a brunch at Blue Heaven and man was the food there a touch of heaven with lobster omlettes, grilled cheese and benedicts.

This afternoon we made a crew change as Clint and Surenda moved to a hotel because they were driving back to Miami tomorrow. Cuz John flew in as well as JD’s wife, Susan.

We had planned to have a farewell dinner with Clint and Surenda on Friday night but the work on the boat took longer than expected—by now we should expect this! HA! So JD and Susan ended up scrounging up some amazing pizza which we all indulge in on the boat.
Tomorrow we head out again to the Dry Tortugas!