We spent a long weekend in Carriacou which is an island within the northern part of the country of Grenada. We anchored off the beach of Sandy Island which is a picture perfect island of white sandy beaches and palm trees. We couldn’t wait to snorkel the reef at the northern end of the island. The water was super calm and transparent which afforded some delightful snorkeling over and among the reef. Feast your eyes.

The snorkeling in the clear warm water was exhilarating!

After the lengthy swim we were famished. We dinghied across the bay to Paradise Beach Club for some lunch and beverages. The food was yummy and hit the spot!

Paradise Beach Club has sign painting every Wednesday. So we made plans to return the next day to paint our Daggers Down sign for posterity. Thank goodness Lara was with us because she did the painting while we supplied her with pina colados.

Meanwhile John was back at Sandy Island finding Octopi dens which he shared with us before we left the next morning. This had been a lovely weekend, but it went by way to fast!

Thanks for allowing us to share this lovely weekend with you. That’s a wrap for the 2022-23 Sailing Season!
Now we must finish our boat chores so that we can set sail at the end of the month! Next post will begin the 2023-24 Sailing Season!
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